Active Education® Code of Ethics

As an Active Education® Certified Professional, I am guided by Active Education’s principles of professional conduct whether I am working with clients, the public or other health and fitness professionals. I promise to:

  • Provide safe and effective instruction.
  • Provide equal and fair treatment to all clients.
  • Stay up-to-date on the latest health and fitness research and understand its practical application.
  • Maintain current CPR and AED certificates and knowledge of first-aid services.
  • Comply with all applicable business, employment and intellectual property laws.
  • Uphold and enhance public appreciation and trust for the health and fitness industry.
  • Maintain the confidentiality of all client information.
  • Refer clients to more qualified health or medical professionals when appropriate.
  • Establish and maintain clear professional boundaries.


ACE Professional Practices and Disciplinary Procedures

The professional practices and disciplinary procedures of Active Education® are intended to assist and inform certificants, candidates for certification and the public of the Application and Certification Standards relative to professional conduct and disciplinary procedures. Active Education may revoke or otherwise take action with regard to the application or certification of an individual in the case of:

  • Ineligibility for certification.
  • Irregularity in connection with any certification examination.
  • Unauthorized possession, use, access, or distribution of certification examinations, score reports, trademarks, logos, written materials, answer sheets, certificates, certificant or applicant files, or other confidential or proprietary documents or materials (registered or otherwise).
  • Material misrepresentation or fraud in any statement to Active Education® or to the public, including but not limited to statements made to assist the applicant, certificant, or another to apply for, obtain, or retain certification.
  • Any physical, mental, or emotional condition of either temporary or permanent nature, including, but not limited to, substance abuse, which impairs or has the potential to impair competent and objective professional performance.
  • Negligent and/or intentional misconduct in professional work, including, but not limited to, physical or emotional abuse, disregard for safety, or the unauthorized release of confidential information.
  • The timely conviction, plea of guilty, or plea of nolo contendere in connection with a felony or misdemeanor, which is directly related to public health and/or fitness instruction or education, which impairs competent and objective professional performance. These include, but are not limited to, rape, sexual abuse of a client, actual or threatened use of a weapon of violence, the prohibited sale, distribution, or possession with intent to distribute, of a controlled substance.
  • Failure to meet the requirements for certification or recertification.


Note: As an Active Education Certification candidate and/or certified professional, you are deemed to be familiar with and comply with these Professional Practices and Disciplinary Procedures. Please contact Active Education to request a complete copy of our Professional Practices and Disciplinary Procedures.